I have been wanting to write this for a while, I believe ever since I started web development more than 15 years ago. Web Application Development is pretty frustrating mostly because of issues with the foundation technologies, HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Alone, they are pretty harmless and quite useful but when mixed together they seemed to step over their intended roles (CSS is pretty useless in a self-contained environment). The original intent of websites seemed to involve easily publishing text documents so that others could view information online. The documents also would have functionality to link to other documents. There you have a web of documents. The web of the mid-nineties was functional and didn't seem so bad. In 2011 so many features have been piled on top of past technology and now we are just left with this big pile of mud. Most content online is for presenting text information, like news reports or stock quotes, business profiles. But now businesses are put...
"It's a 25-year-old principle of object-oriented (OO) design that you shouldn't expose an object's implementation to any other classes in the program. The program is unnecessarily difficult to maintain when you expose implementation, primarily because changing an object that exposes its implementation mandates changes to all the classes that use the object." -- By Allen Holub, JavaWorld.com, 01/02/04 To that, don't use setters and getters exclusively for all POJO beans. http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-01-2004/jw-0102-toolbox.html
The Java Virtual Machine ( Sun's JVM is called HotSpot ) is a java bytecode interpreter which is fast, portable and secure. Jython, JRuby, Scala, ABCL (Common Lisp) are popular language implementations that run on the JVM that allow for the jvmcookbook sugar of their particular languages. keywords: java, general java, j2ee, clojure, scala, abcl, jruby, gwt, apache wicket, spring This project contains multiple sub-projects and code demos related to those jvm language implementations. http://code.google.com/p/jvmnotebook/ -- Berlin Brown
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